Friday, September 4, 2009

Abili-Skate SUCCESS!!

We had our first Abili-Skate (skating time period for kids and adults with special needs/wheelchairs etc.) on August 20th. It was a success, about 30 people showed up which is pretty good for a first time event a few weeks before school starts in the summer! I have a feeling it will have an even better turn out once school starts and people are looking for things to do indoors after school, and with schools open the flyers can be sent home with children in special needs classes at various schools, reach more families that way! I am in the process currently of hopefully scheduling the Abili-Skate sessions for the school year. I have a list of those who "signed in" at the event to let you know as well as put out flyers everywhere I can and more with details of the next events.
As far as how it went for Alana, she has more fear and alot more timid then she was when she was younger and wouldn't let go of the stroller or the wall. About half way through she discovered the arcade games and was enamored with the guitar hero screen.. where she spent a good half of the time afterwards lol. But she did skate with me quite a bit at the beginning, and we did the hokey pokey and the chicken dance. Kaila had a blast as well, she loves skating.

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