Monday, March 9, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I DID NOT print out this coffee "chart" and post it at work with a modification to the desk part.

Winter DID NOT say a big F U to Spring today..

I DID NOT volunteer to wait on a 23 top last night. Oh the joys.. Two of the kids DID NOT think they were just so cool and DID NOT ask me for a hefeweisen (I don't care its spelled wrong I am sure) and a bud light.. I CAN wait for my kids to be 10.

I DID NOT make Kaila do this because our roomba isn't a fan of this rug. Seriously she isn't Cinderella.. but IMO she should be!.. besides she is the biggest mess maker in this house.

A "nice" gentlemen today DID NOT ask me if it was okay to give Donni a soda.. umm No..seriously??

I DID NOT get "stuck" on the freeway for 45minutes because mulitple people were "stuck" in the snow. I DID NOT have to call Kaila's School Bus to ask them to please drop her off last instead of first because I wouldn't be "free" of said "stuck" cars anytime soon. Really a responsible parent would have some sort of back-up plan and would never be late.. even in the snow.

Because of above I DID NOT forgoe the first day of kindergarten signup/registration for Kaila next year.. there is always tomorrow... besides it's not like she was aware of said major life event lol.

And lastly I DID NOT go outside in my Pajamas and flip flops this morning to take snow pictures..which I WILL NOT share later.


Dee said...

WOW! A 23 top!!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I could not wait on a party of 3, much less 23! You must be crazy talented.
I made my son vacuum this weekend too! your not the only mommy!

Bridget said...

Funny Not Me's this week!! I'm so glad that it's not snowing here :D

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