Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yummy Tummy Thursday! ~ Dessert Edition + Babbling..

I know this is a little late today. Been busy, it's 11:30pm and I just got home from work, at least I made 100$ in tips right?? Worked my ass off for it though. I also spilled almost an entire glass of Merlot on my new white shirt, under shirt and even spots on my I guess I should say 80$ because at least 20$ went in the trash Damn, damn stupid, stupid wine I normally do not work on Thursday's but well.. I have Sunday off for the birthday party of course so I picked up tonight...

Btw the party as parties always do, is giving me just a tiny anxiety.. sigh. We will have a blast but the planning and worrying that goes along with it, what did I forget? What else do I need? Is it going to rain? will my family behave themselves around my good friends? Gotta make sure its all clean and set up right.. its not really dirty by far but I seem to think it is in my worrying brain lol. I think I need some drugs again now that Donni is no longer breastfeeding WAHHHHHH :-(. I apologize now for anyone that will be here for my extended family and their bad mouths, gossiping, R word usage and just all around dysfunction. I am not completely innocent, I do not say the R word.. regrettably I grew up doing so but have long ago retrained myself no to.. and my close family members (mom, sister, etc.) get slapped when they say it around me... but I do have quite the sailor language so I apologize in advanced if something slips. Okay onto Dessert.

Cookie Sundaes

From Real Mom Kitchen! Thanks Laura!

Please go visit the link for the ingredients and directions, shes got many other recipes on there too, new one everyday! I used mini cake pans that my mom gave me while ago.. yeah finally used them.. ha! I'm sure you could just as well use cupcake/muffin pan. Save room for these because they are a hearty dessert in my opinion! I do want to warn to not overcook these I overcooked mine a bit the first 3 we ate right away were perfect but the other 3 were stale/hard the next morning, tried to heat them a little in the microwave but I learned fast that only burnt it and tasted funny. :-P.


Lisa Noel said...


ps. the 2nd photo is a great one!!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

All I can say is YUM! Now? I am going to go dig in the cupboards for sweets..

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

:) You have an award waiting for you on my blog!

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